20 April 2010


DEAR SURLY, I'm 13, and my 'first kiss' just broke up with me. My dad says it's just puppy love, which may be true, but I have a feeling that I need to be with him. What hurts even more is he had a new girlfriend the next day.

I have tried moving on, but I don't think I want to. I want to try to get back with him, but I don't know how. Can you help me? -- ACHING HEART IN IOWA

ACHING HEART, the only difference between a kid (you) and an adult is experience. I think we've all experienced that first, awkward romance that we aren't equipped to handle, ergo, most of us understand what you're going through. And that feeling you have that no one understands you ... we understand that too. It's okay. You're 13 and more flexible than you realize. You don't need to be with this guy. Just learn from the experience, and inevitably you will move on. Trust me.

If it makes you feel better, someday he'll feel the same way too. Revenge mayn't be noble, but it's funny.

DEAR SURLY, Would you please print this to educate your readers about something I witness every summer -- parents encouraging little kids to take native wildlife.

I watched a 6-year-old girl show off the two palm-sized baby turtles her dad had 'given' her from the lake, and put them into a plastic container to take home. Abby, they were snapping turtles! Mom won't be pleased when those 'pets' snap a finger.

Then there was the mom who thought it would be fun for her 7-year-old boy to play with a few frogs in their dry, dense, sun-drenched backyard. Within an hour, the amphibians had escaped and, best guess is, they died and became dehydrated, sun-dried critters or dog food.

Not only is it illegal to take wildlife on a whim, but it's also selfish. At a time when we're already damaging our planet for our recreational pastimes, we need to be teaching our kids that living beings are not toys, but rather a valuable part of natural ecosystems. It's so much more fun to observe and learn from a turtle swimming free in the lake. Please urge parents to stop being so thoughtless, or they may end up with a ticket or a missing digit. -- WILDLIFE PRESERVER IN LAFAYETTE, COLO.

WILDLIFE, people are pricks. We have entitlement issues, and there's no way I can write a note to tell everyone to leave everything the fuck alone. Better would be to speak up when you hear it. Nothing like a little confrontation to drill ideas into people.

DEAR SURLY, How do you attract single women while on a budget? -- GARY IN LONGWOOD, FLA.

GARY, you're only hope is great abs.

See Abby's responses at http://www.uexpress.com/dearabby/?uc_full_date=20100420

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